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Company information guidelines

The site management reserves the exclusive right to delete information posted at Penatis.com without warning, if this information breaks at least one of the following rules.

It is strictly prohibited to upload:

1. Information that is not allowed to post by current legislation, including the information about sale / distribution:

- Psychotropic agents and drugs
- Diplomas of educational institutions of different levels of accreditation;
- Medical certificates;
- Firearms and cold arms.

2. Information that is not directly connected with the core business conduct of the accounting entity, including:

- Sites for dating and socializing;
- Personal photo albums;
- Fan clubs of musical groups and musical performers;
- Fan clubs of sports teams and individual athletes;
- Fan clubs of people engaged in public activity;
- Game sites;
- Information sites.

3. Information directly related to the promotion of hatred, violence, racial, ethnic and religious intolerance, xenophobia, prejudice to the rights of sex, age, and property line.

4. Information, which calls for the unconstitutional change of the existing social order and government.

5. False information about the user and user information, which is not objectively true.

6. Information relating to the provision of services of a sexual nature, the spread of any kind of pornography, information, which excites the natural instincts of a sexual nature.

7. Information of the products and services that are subject to obligatory certification, or the implementation of which requires a special permit, license, in case such certificates, permits and licenses are not provided, respectively.

8. Information containing malicious programs designed exclusively for the proper functioning of the and / or destruction of other programs.

9. Information is used as a variety of means to gain unauthorized access to the Internet resources, operating on a fee basis.

10. Information containing serial numbers for commercial software, and special programs for their generation.

11. Information containing spam.

12. Spam, which contains links to the site Penatis.com and sites created on its platform.

13. Information about programs that motivates different kinds of users to press the ads, containing advertising, performing searches, surfing websites, and / or reading emails for fee.

14. Information of advertising income in the Internet.

15. Information that may break rights of others, disclose trade secrets and break patent rights.

16. Information containing copies of the websites and / or a single page, text and images, if the ban for copying designated by the owners of the original.

17. Information of legal and natural persons who are already presented at the site Penatis.com

18. Information containing texts with next typing (writing words of the text using space between l e t t e r s), using phrases and single words in uppercase letters, except for the use of abbreviations (LTD, MIA, KVN, CMU, etc. .)

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21. Information about the companies, whose names contain the meaningless set of symbols and / or a specific set of so-called keywords.

22. Information about the companies, whose names contain links to other sites, in case that the specified name does not match the full name of the legal entity specified in the founding documents.

23. Information containing SEO-description (meaningless set of keywords with different densities)

24. Information not containing instructions (or containing incorrect indication) of specific types of economic activity.

25. Information about goods and / or services, if such goods and services do not match the specified economic activity types.

26. Information about the companies involved in network marketing and / or so-called direct sales.

27. Information about the companies engaged in distribution of biologically active additives (BAA)

28. Information about the companies involved in the promotion of distribution companies products.

29. Information about the address of the company, which does not correspond to the actual location of the legal entity.

30. Information containing phone number, if it is not possible to contact the user using it.

31. Information containing non-existing data for contacts (e-mail, skype, etc.)

32. Information containing syntax, spelling and punctuation mistakes.

33. Information written in transliteration or containing elements of transliteration.

The website administration of Penatis.com is ready to cooperate with the competent public authorities, who legally request Penatis.com data to identify users, registered at Penatis.com

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