The detail is small but quite relevant…

How much or how little does a man sometimes need for… (happiness, joy, success, self-fulfillment?)
A lot?
Right. Otherwise how can we explain practically continuous target-oriented movement which can be changed only to movement towards a new line at that very moment when the previous one has been already reached?
A little?
This is also correct. Aren’t we ready to give “half kingdom” just for a hardly noticeable touch?
Anyhow, it depends…
Sometimes between the notorious “a lot” and “a little” there lies a whole abyss, and sometimes they seem to be ready to touch with their edges in order to eventually fuse in passionate urge.
If that something wonderful and transient which one can afford in a particular moment aims to fill up the whole outer world perception here and now, it should be given the closest possible attention, admit it.
Russian LISSE company hardly tries to stop the march of time and moreover to turn back time. Such an attempt, as you may guess, looks at least funny and is certainly doomed to failure.
However a journey through time can be made even without history emergency brake, and such fact can prove something, both to oneself and to inexorable progress.
In the age of high technologies, optimization, clever household appliance, price shift to economically feasible level and other set (weedy) expressions there still remains some space for touching traditions which come from time immemorial.
What can we say! “Some space remains” – that is a too humble definition for something which can positively claim a phenomenon status.
A great need of a modern human (which, by the way, increases) to own, use and merely enjoy articles made with application of ancient techniques, helped create a whole industry (progress already there) which, in its turn, with full responsibility and competence presented its leaders to consumer.
This is what concerns the phenomenon issue.
We won’t start easily confer titles and give away prestigious posts, thus depriving such business apologists of their bread, and will simply highlight that LISSE company has found a way to a buyer’s heart having applied to practice the following saying “Genius lies in simplicity”.
Masters simply produce table and bed linen using ancient embroidery techniques.
Truly fascinating Richelieu patterns appear to be created merely with the help of running stitch. By hand.
It’s just that fabrics from the best world manufacturers are carefully selected – and it’s not even the company’s particular position, but an integral part of ideology.
It’s just that LISSE team enjoys doing something which it has been doing for many years with great success.
It’s quite simple, isn’t it?
Only love is able to inspire to heroism, and there is truly no doubting the fact that handmade work from-under the needle whereof such wonderful samples appear is similar to heroism.
Meanwhile life goes on and its breath can be felt on each masterpiece which is destined to be acquitted by any interested, and thus even stricter, spectator court. Always.
And beloved one, which is probably the most important.
Bedroom decorated with LISSE bed linen will no more be able to remain just a simple place for sleep. It is certain to turn into inspiration oasis.
A table reverently laid with a table cloth, the laces whereof seem to admit to the secrecy of initial “luxury” concept, will hardly be able to remain a mere ground for satisfying physiological need called “eating”. Certainly, a meal will take place at such table.
A look into the window decorated by LISSE company will start searching not only for an image of partial earth surf ace having already
become habitual, but is sure to pause upon the brilliance of handmade curtains and lambrequins and will be returning to them again and again.
“The more high-quality goods are, the more expensive they should be”, - a character of one soviet movie “A girl with character” taught his young female colleagues.
Please note: even socialism mad with its own victories (and the movie was released in the 30s of the last century – those were some years…) anyway put quality at the first place.
This is speaking about that anytime and under any circumstances true values remain the same, no matter what happens in the restless sublunar realm.
This postulate is very well understood by LISSE company which clothes creative search in inimitable patterns of eye-pleasing and body-tickling products.
It is possible to endlessly speak literally about each peculiarity having become an integral part of everyday activity performed by masters of the team.
Alongside with that, we should especially single out one of them.
It goes about a truly royal design, the completeness whereof can be enjoyed, both by grown-ups and children.
So much fiction, unobtrusive originality and emotional delicacy, is being put into design of customers’ interiors, while they have different tastes and aesthetic level!
And there is one more detail.
Terry fabric used by Russian LISSE company includes 60% bamboo. It guarantees great absorbing capacity of articles and essentially increases their softness, while at the same time taking into account such important component as environmental friendliness.
The detail is small but quite relevant…
Dmitryi Chuburkov