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Reliability and high quality

Reliability and high quality

Relatively recently, the author of these lines received luxury and indispensable in economy thing as a gift from a neighbor. Namely, about twelve meters of metal cable in PVC covering.

Childhood and adolescence, not touched by Gorbachev’s reformation, spent in the surrounding of masterful adults, step by step have fallen into locksmith youth, allowed to make the conclusion that the cable mentioned above can easily be used as a curtain holder.

However, not killed by a domestic reality, a sense of beauty (equally as a sense of humor) strongly recommends: never do it. Never.

It is better to consult the experts and let them be world known masters.


Company Scaglioni Sri relates to this magnificent cohort, no matter how sarcastic critics hiss about notorious "jeans", ancestral spots of which, by the way, you can find practically in any material, of course, if you have this task.

Our task is different; in this regard let us say at once that Scaglioni is rightly perceived by many European consumers as a leading brand in the noble task of the production of sliding decorative curtain holders. On this positive note to finish the story would have been somewhat one-sided, because the company has just as significant position in the production of accessories for curtains and curtain rods.

By splitting the atoms of information (an earlier version – hard knowledge) we really want to understand what is in the basis, especially when it comes to the basis of success.

Scaglioni Sri is little more than twenty years sits on the Olympus of the core business.

For historical periods, the period, frankly speaking, is not big, and for a universal scale – barely noticeable micron of time.

However, the team of like-minded people which are in love with their job this fact, apparently, does not bother, perhaps, because twenty years is not the time to be irrevocably tired of success.

Next under our improvised microscope there will be a feature, characteristic only for strong players in the market. It is a question of reliability and high quality, which are like reliable partners accompany all Scaglioni activities. We can long and fruitful enough discuss the fact that the notorious "safety and quality" must by definition be companions of serious brand, but many times repeated evidence of specific approaches does not cancel their urgency. And the market, in turn, very carefully gives the vector sum of the efforts that are made to occupy a leading position in it.

In this very place we come to another part of our research – observation and, accordingly – the success of Scaglioni Sri.


Market needs, forgive the banality, are constantly developing, rapidly changing and do not like those who used to sit on the safe dug-out of numb habits and yesterday's triumphs.

"Triumph only exists today," – who and when said that is not important, but it is said that is called a "top ten".

"Go, Shura, to Kiev" - demanded Panikovski from unsuspecting Balaganov with the hope that the presence of this character in the capital city slightly opens secrets of professional success of "great blind".

"Go, ladies and gentlemen, to the factory Scaglioni Sri and look at their work places!" - of course, we will not demand, but simply recommend, with the hope that more will become clear in the ever-elusive revelation of the company sustained success.

Clean and safe, the most spacious, stuffed with the latest technology and taken advanced technology as an ally, they are simply created in order that not very palatable for domestic ear phrase sound: "I want to work!"


That is, creatively transform reality in order to create products that meet the most demanding requirements.

Had the most focus on the term, which should be the next step of the stairs leading to the understanding of the position, which Scaglioni occupies in the market, this term will be predictably "selection".

That is it.

The most thorough and methodologically impeccable selection of material for creation of an outstanding masterpiece (oh-oh-oh, as if a masterpiece can be run of the mill! ..) or another device.

True mastery can often remove some opposition, indicated by "or", and now the satisfaction of client requests all over the world takes concrete expression by accurately calculating and catalyzing a perfect result of inspiration.

Everything would be simple and uninteresting, if everything really would be that simple, sorry for the pun.

But the splendor of the words and especially in deeds is achieved by constant efforts, even if they are, at first sight, and not very noticeable.

It is possible in the case of Scaglioni Sri products it is necessary to do so, as it is done periodically at all times and ages, though for very different reasons.
Namely, take the right decision and just buy it.


Dmitryi Chuburkov

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