Heritage of Italy

“Sometimes I see colorful dreams and cannot help but understand them…” – a song the words whereof carefully bring back the memory for already many years and since 1970 there have passed a lot of them.
Quite a lot.
As it turned out, rain is not the best time for walks in the open air but is great for recollections, and it’s good that the latter with lapse of time occupies more and more active space demanding due respect from provocative immediate troubles.
…Rain persistently marks its presence behind the window claiming nothing more than co-authorship (welcome!); however it is likely to finish someday as everything sooner or later does.
The year of 1970 turned out to be reach in events, and none of them, believe me, will pass by you unnoticed; and speaking about colorful dreams…
If we agree that dreams are sometimes able to predict the future, their color scale shall acquire the first-priority meaning.
At least for New Home, Italian company from Verona, for which the very 70th year of the previous century became fateful, all the more so, as, in the opinion of many specialists and partners, it is able to predict customer’s color preferences, both for the nearest and for more remote future.
It’s quite possible that dreams, independent of how colorful they are, have nothing to do with that, and what really matters is rigorous calculation and experience multiplied by systems marketing research.
However the essence of things does not change this new assumption even a bit: any age can become a hospitable hostess of exactly your interior thanks to fabrics offered by Loris Zanca, the founder of New Home company
There is no difference between theory and practice. In theory.
However in practice, between desire and its implementation there necessarily some gap exists which is foresightedly and, seemingly, not without irony is included by fundamental science pillars in unbreakable connection of space and time.
Space with lapse of time turns into a magnificence benchmark when decoration thereof becomes a part of creative efforts by mages from Loris Zanca.
Sophisticated reality perception capable of bringing you back to the Rennaissance ages generously flinging their baronial splendor all around, or disarming with Neo-classicism tenderness (non-boring resort of romantic souls), allows making unthinkable journeys with apparent easiness. And not only journeys.
“You can peak any age and stay in it as long as you like” – this way could probably sound one of advertising slogans for promotion of Loris Zanca products.
Could sound, but…
There are things, categories and phenomena unconditional in their apparentness.
Therefore they unobtrusively but consistently reject seemingly efficient but already excessive efforts of the outer world, because, as you know, drugs differ from poison by their dose.
Dosage of designer solutions offered by Loris Zanca staff could be considered perfect, but in this case it would have been acknowledged that the ideal, contrary to many-century wisdom, has been finally achieved. But no one wants to agree with that, taking into account unique discoveries wherewith “style tamers” and “miracle generators” are sure to delight consumers yet many times in the future.
Loris Zanca consistently makes a beauty cult out of the whole-time delights in respect of silk, while making it gracefully and nobly, in Italian style.
A wall in an intricate but customary list of not so much meanings, but images, is as a rule associated with an unexpectedly appeared obstacle, clearance whereof may take too much time (does it go again about space and time?).
A wall treated by Loris Zanca masters firmly binds perception only with excitement changing into exaltation!
True silk fabric without connection stitches which alongside with many other apparent advantages is resistant to various damages, fungi, dust and moisture, boggles the imagination with luxurious splendor of carefully thought-through patterns.
Convincing revelation of a masterpiece, lightness whereof fascinates at first sight, is achieved by thoroughness of efforts and implementation of a series of extremely interesting developments.
Thus, Loris Zanca collection released in 2010 presented true silk fabrics with 320 cm roll height. As it turned out, “size actually matters”, especially when it successfully matches surface length equal to room perimeter.
We’ll repeat ourselves by saying that such solutions help avoid stitches and that makes our anthemised wall almost perfect.
Quite impressive.
Accurately highlighted key points combined with continuous insight into style secrets gives a possibility to see all advantages of time-proven materials used in comprehensive space decoration.
…Delicate panne velvet flowing with fanciful pattern on silk crepe-georgette – is truly worth enjoying…
“Bound with one chain” – two trademarks New Home and Loris Zanca represent two pronounced areas, development whereof helps vary assortment range to the maximum and more fully satisfy the ever-increasing demands of potential customers.
…Rain, having run out of stream, as it was expected, softly finished its music piece woven out of numerous drops and memories.
And expectation of new revelations predicted by New Home company founded in the remote 1970 remains an anticipation of another masterpiece.
Dmitryi Chuburkov